
The Woke Mob Strikes Again

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  1. Nice Noob

    07/12/2023 à 22:17

    Since they’re less likely to receive narcotics doesn’t that mean it isnt that painful????💀

  2. Ruben Antao

    07/12/2023 à 22:19

    Also the statement “women are less likely to receive narcotics compared to men” could mean women have a better pain tolerance or it could mean women are more anxious and go to hospital for health complications that are less painful, heck it could even mean doctors are sexist and don’t like giving meds to women. That statement is too vague


    07/12/2023 à 22:22

    i wonder how many women are able to not fall depressed after seeing all their friends brutally killed in murdered in war and watch them die from torture after refusing to give what they want

  4. dr unorthodox

    07/12/2023 à 22:27

    What a dumb fucking argument like completely, no matter who you’re born as everyone’s nerve endings are exactly the same

  5. Gabriel the head hunter

    07/12/2023 à 22:31

    See who falls first a woman hit by a side kick by a man and a man hit by a side kick by the same man (:

  6. atomak47

    07/12/2023 à 22:33

    Ah yes man giving birth

  7. Envi

    07/12/2023 à 22:52

    then why do they put on a whole show when a man threatens them

  8. maxime

    07/12/2023 à 22:54

    "My pain tolerance is better". Okay mam how does that mean your punches are stronger than a mans?

  9. Nerd at home

    07/12/2023 à 22:55

    Bro I went to hospital with half my finger gone and was still calm enough to take a picture

  10. TacoWolf

    07/12/2023 à 22:57

    Woman are stronger at enduring pain men are physically stronger

  11. I hate sand

    07/12/2023 à 23:01

    ionk why bro is so pressed about the whitecoat mf, she didnt really care about how strong they were, she was jus stating the facts to the other woman's claim

  12. Carsten Boyett

    07/12/2023 à 23:25

    They get less cuz they spend all there money for the narcotics in stores

  13. Alpha Phoenix

    07/12/2023 à 23:36

    If we’re talking about gender equality, let’s talk about the titanic and how the man with the last, if any to go on the lifeboats and how over 150 men passed away well nearly all the women and children got to land safely

  14. Joseph H

    07/12/2023 à 23:41

    The reason for that is psychological (there is also the drug addict factor, and much more men are, but not now). There is a much greater risk of rage for men in pain, while for women this is non existent. There is also the psychological factor…hearing a man groan and scream is lot more unsettling. Basically, hospital staff are reluctant to withhold pain medication for men. It has nothing to do with being able to withstand more pain lmao.

  15. men are 6 times better at scamming hospitals for narcotics

  16. DinoLoverGaming Animations

    07/13/2023 à 00:02

    it's better to be woke than to be an ignorant twat that's completely useless to society

  17. MrFigalooPierre

    07/13/2023 à 00:06

    Doctors assume a man is in more pain if he actually needs to go to the hospital

  18. Summerly

    07/13/2023 à 00:11

    Bro what are you saying? 😂

  19. Hyakkimaru

    07/13/2023 à 00:19


  20. stańczyk

    07/13/2023 à 00:21

    touch grass.

  21. Joseph Wagner

    07/13/2023 à 00:30

    I'm pretty sure the white coat lady was talking about inequality in treatment, not about pain tolerance, but its hard to understand what anyone is saying with these schizophrenic 3 second clips man stop and make a cohesive response or I ain't listening no more!!!

  22. J

    07/13/2023 à 00:31

    Women just get their boyfriend to fix everything. Debunked

  23. -uglyhag-

    07/13/2023 à 00:31

    I wonder what the original video was talking about? Maybe the original video was talking about pain tolerance

  24. Life Of Geeper

    07/13/2023 à 00:37

    Women may have physical pain but men have mental pain. For example: Men have to deal with their best friend finding other people, arguments with the homies women not letting them hangout with the homies, women asking them for food and water, women not letting them rest, women not letting them sleep, women messing with their personal stuff, and just women in general. Also strangers arguing with them, them having to always drive, etc. Men deserve better.

  25. xFTOxGold

    07/13/2023 à 00:37

    Something I think people should check is – I feel like a lot of dudes especially older ones wait untill the last second to go to the emergency room and that could have An effect like it’s the last straw so medicine is more needed – that’s just sun I thought abt

  26. Kongpob Prh

    07/13/2023 à 00:41

    Oh another use of women should be meat shield be cause you girls are strong right? Then join military and become sand bag

  27. EnnLikesToDoStuff

    07/13/2023 à 00:44

    I literally though that woman was talking about like.. weight lift or something😂

  28. LordOfGaming

    07/13/2023 à 01:00

    The reason why they dont need narcotics when they fell extreme pain is because they have more pain tolerence than men and it could just be normal pain that men deal with

  29. Osamh ALT

    07/13/2023 à 01:03

    As man +I have a doctor bro it’s absolutely true women can take a lot more pain before they faint than men

  30. Adam Rice

    07/13/2023 à 01:04

    That's because all pain is severe for chicks. Lol

  31. Sp3ktra

    07/13/2023 à 01:05

    yes they have pain tolerance but they get the same damage as men.

  32. Michael Hawk

    07/13/2023 à 01:07

    to be able to feel pain you require a brain.

  33. NarkoXD

    07/13/2023 à 01:07

    Crazy, i sliced off my fingertip and didn't flinch, i wanna see a woman do that

  34. Sawyer Krall

    07/13/2023 à 01:23

    They handle that pain but if I so much as touch you you act like I slapped you into tomorrow and go running to the cops.

  35. Aminated

    07/13/2023 à 01:24

    That's the most retarded argument I have heard on the topic of pain tolerance. Getting pain meds more commonly just shows that men are more likely to solve their own problems, whereas women would just like to bitch and complain, showing they are actually weaker.

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